Workshop: An Introduction to Oral History: Techniques and Practice

/ December 13, 2024/ Workshop

The workshop covers:

  • the features of an oral history interview
  • advantages of oral history
  • qualities of a good interviewer
  • how to prepare for an oral history interview (including research, developing questions, identifying suitable interviewees, preliminary interview, choosing interview location)
  • interview structure and types of questions
  • analysing good and bad interviews
  • managing the interview
  • how to make a high-quality recording, and suitable equipment
  • important steps after the interview
  • the ethics of oral history interviewing
  • the importance of copyright and conditions of use

Detailed handouts will be provided. 

You will have the opportunity to practice writing questions, as well as to conduct a short interview and receive some guidance to starting or continuing your own project.

Morning tea provided. Please bring your own lunch.


$80 – OHA member. Please contact us ( if you are not a member and wish to join

$100 – Non OHA member

$85 – for non-member concession*/pensioner/student

*Concession cards include cards issued to the unemployed or pensioners, but not the seniors card. Anyone in financial difficulty should e-mail the Association ( for possible financial assistance.

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