Please follow these links for information about:

2024 February Oral history workshop – at the State Library of South Australia

Learn how to plan and record professional interviews

The workshop will introduce participants to the practice and methods of doing an oral history interview. It also covers features to look for in professional digital audio recorders, and why they are important:

The workshop covers

• the features of an oral history interview • advantages of oral history • qualities of a good interviewer

• how to prepare for an oral history interview (including research, developing questions, identifying suitable interviewees, preliminary interview, choosing interview location)

• interview structure and types of questions • analysing good and bad interviews • managing the interview • how to make a high-quality recording, and suitable equipment • hands-on practice using professional recording kits • important steps after the interview • the ethics of oral history interviewing

• the importance of copyright and conditions of use

This workshop has now finished. Please contact us if you would like to be contacted about future workshop

Please email us at