Please follow these links for information about:
- Oral history workshops (see below)
- Annual General Meeting
Introduction to Oral History: How to do an oral history interview
State Library of South Australia (Morgan Thomas Room)
February 14 10am to 3.30 pm
This workshop introduces oral history practice, focusing on research, ethics, equipment, interviewing techniques and transcribing. It is suitable for community volunteers, family historians, students or anyone with an interest in recording oral histories.
The workshop covers:
- the features of an oral history interview
- advantages of oral history
- qualities of a good interviewer
- how to prepare for an oral history interview (including research, developing questions, identifying suitable interviewees, preliminary interview, choosing interview location)
- interview structure and types of questions
- analysing good and bad interviews
- managing the interview
- how to make a high-quality recording, and suitable equipment
- hands-on practice using professional recording kits
- important steps after the interview
- the ethics of oral history interviewing
- the importance of copyright and conditions of use
Detailed handouts will be provided. You will have the opportunity to practice writing questions, as well as to conduct a short interview.
orning tea provided. Please bring your own lunch.
$80 – OHA member. Please contact us ( if you are not a member and wish to join
$100 – Non OHA member
$85 – for non-member concession*/pensioner/student
Please register here