Oral History Australia SA/NT maintains a directory of oral historians who are able to undertake a wide range of paid consultancies or projects. OHA SA/NT members have a range of skills and expertise which can be applied to historical research and other fields of interest.
To engage an oral historian, please contact a member who is listed in the directory to discuss your project and the associated fees. General information about what to expect regarding interviewing and transcription fees is available here.
The directory is compiled from information provided by members of OHA SA/NT. Oral History Australia is made up of members who are interested in oral history and does not provide an accreditation system. Therefore it is up to individuals to decide who is the best oral historian to undertake their project.
If you are a member of OHA SA/NT and would like your details added to the directory, please fill in this application form and forward it to contact@oralhistoryaustraliasant.org.au.
Alphabetical list of oral historians
Click on a name for more information and contact details.