HCSA Annual Regional lecture and Oral History seminar – Whyalla 16 November
The History Council of SA is hosting two events in Whyalla on the 16th November as part of its annual regional lecture program. Details are below.
11am to 12.30pm
Dr Skye Krichauff, University of Adelaide
Lecture: Uncovering and Understanding the South Australian Frontier and its Legacies
The research project ‘The South Australian Frontier and its Legacies’ maps the nature and extent of conflict between Aboriginal people and colonists in South Australia, from the arrival of sealers and whalers (in the early 1800s) until Federation (1901). The project is based at the University of Adelaide and emerged out of the call from the Uluru Statement from the Heart to engage in ‘truth-telling about our history’. Research for the project has involved an extensive examination of archival sources and the collection of oral histories from Aboriginal people and settler descendants. Dr Skye Krichauff will demonstrate the website and interactive digital ‘Story map’ developed by the project team. She will focus on Eyre Peninsula and explain why violence in this district was exceptionally long lasting and extensive.
For more details and to book select the Humantix link here
1.30-3.30 pm
ASPECTS OF ORAL HISTORY: A BRIEF INTERLUDE – Presented by The History Council of South Australia and The Oral History Association of SA & NT. (1.30-3.30)
Dr David Sweet, University of South Australia, President OHA SA/NT and Christeen Schoepf, SA Delegate OHA SA/NT present ‘Aspects of Oral History – a brief interlude’.
This seminar discusses a brief overview of Oral History: skills, ethics and final product options.
For more details and to book, select the Humantix link here